Learn about World Historical events, empires, rulers & more.“History is our attempt to reconstruct the past from the evidence that remains”. World His
Learn about World Historical events, empires, rulers & more.
“History is our attempt to reconstruct the past from the evidence that remains”. World History Dictionary App is a gateway to explore all Historical terms, events and facts. The app has Categories, Historical Events, Glyph Translator, Search and Quiz. Under Categories, there are more than 5000 Historical terms, events and facts. Historical Events can be searched Date-wise. In Glyph Translator, one needs to choose the language. Whatever the user types in English will be converted to that language. With Search, the user can search for any word he wants, whether it is relating to a ruler’s name, war, dynasty, empire and more.
This Offline World History App will introduce you to historical rulers, civil wars like American Civil War, major revolutions like French revolution, important Historical Events, World War, Greek and Indian History etc. This World History Dictionary App gives you an opportunity to test your learning with its series of History Quiz.
World History Dictionary App is categorized as:-
* Modern History (After 1500)
* Rulers / Historians
* Economic Reforms
* Ancient History
* Legal Acts / Activities
* Political Reforms
* Cultural Reforms
* Wars
* Medieval History
* Major Dynasties
* Proxy Wars
* Wars of Independence
* Other Wars and Conflicts
* Open Field Battles
* World War
* Historical Conflicts
* Military Conflicts
* Invasions
* Civil War
* Border Conflicts
Additional Features of World History App are:-
* Contribute - If you find that something is missing from this app regarding History, contribute it now and it will be updated.
* EduBank℠ - EduBank is a safe deposit of your learnings. Save it here to refer anytime!
* Quiz - Challenge your learnings about History with exciting Quiz.
Rewind the time with major Historical Events and Facts. World History App is all you need to get everything about History on your tips.
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